
Thursday, October 8, 2015

With peace tea and cupcakes for all....

  Being a member of the Gross Gang means GOALS!!  So, I'd like to talk about our present goals...  (I sound so superficial, isn't it awesome?)  One of our goals is to find a club mascot, currently, my dog Molly is our current mascot, but we hope to get a small animal in the future.  (We'll discuss this further in a club meeting.)
  We would also like to buy friendship necklaces for a symbolization of our friendship.  Which we will save for those with our club money, feel free to donate! :D
  Okay so one other goal is what I'd like to call Project HQ.  Bloom, our president, treasurer and blog editor has a room we can use for a club hangout at her place, but it needs a bit of fixing up.  So, we're going to call it Project HQ and help fix it up!
  Speaking of club hangouts...  The other thing we need is an OFFICIAL club hangout!  So, if you happen to stumble upon an abandoned building or some cool place that we can use for a hangout, don't forget to mention it in our next meeting!

Until next time...

Your vice prezzy,

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